How to Reset WordPress Login Password?

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Changing your login credentials makes it difficult for hackers from accessing your website and stealing data. A WordPress website offers different ways to reset your password. Among them, the 2 easy and popular methods are – through the admin dashboard and on the WordPress login page.

If you are the administrator or the website owner and want to send password reset links to other WordPress backend users then check out our article on sending the password reset link to a user.

Now, let’s see how you can change your own WordPress login password.

Method 1 – Reset Password from the WordPress Login Page

If you forget your password, then using this method is handy. It lets you change your password without having to go to your website’s backend. You should have your website’s username or email address though.

Anyway, let’s see the steps involved.

Step 1) Go to the WordPress Login Page

First, go to your WordPress website’s login page.

For that, open your browser and type in your website’s domain name followed by ‘/wp-login.php’. Then, hit enter.

I.e. if your website’s domain URL is, then you will find the login page at


The login page looks like this.

wordpress login page with login dashboard
WordPress Website Login Dashboard

Step 2) Click ‘Lost your password?’

On that page, you can see a link labeled ‘Lost your password?’ So, click on it.

wordpress login dashboard lost your password
WordPress login dashboard – lost your password

Step 3) Enter the Username or Email Address

On the next page, it will ask you to enter your WordPress username or email address. After entering, hit the Get New Password button.

wordpress login dashboard enter email or username
eenter email or username

Doing so, you will receive an email with the instruction to reset the password.

Step 4) Check for an Email from WordPress

So, check your email app for a mail from WordPress. It looks like this.

example of email with password reset link
example email with password reset link

Now, click on the password reset link on the mail.

click on the reset link in your email
click on the reset link in your email

It should take you to the page for resetting the password.

Step 6) Create a New Password

Now finally, enter a new password on the text box.

wordpress password reset dashboard enter new password
enter new password

Make sure that the password is strong and unpredictable. Use a combination of uppercases lowercases, numbers, and symbols.

You can also use the Generate Password button to come up with strong password suggestions. But make sure that you remember the password or save it on your browser.

After that, click on Save Password.

wordpress login dashboard new password
Save new password

Step 7) Login with New Password

Now, you should be able to log in with your username and new password.

So, go to your website’s login page with URL format –

After that, enter your new credentials and click on the Login button.

wordpress login dashbooard login with new password
login with new password

Method 2 – Reset Password from Admin Dashboard

Now, if you have access to your admin area, then you can directly change the password from there.

So, here are the steps involved.

Step 1) Go to All Users

First login to your WordPress admin area and navigate to Users > All Users.

wordpress dashboard go to users dashboard
go to users dashboard

You will reach the page consisting of all the users on your website.

Step 2) Edit User

Now, hover over your username and click on edit.

click on edit user wordpress user dashboard
click on edit user

It will take you to the page to edit the user.

wordpress user settings edit page
WordPress user settings edit page

Step 3) Click on Set New Password

Now, scroll below to the Account Management section. Then, click on Set New Password.

click on set new password for user
click set new password

Step 4) Enter New Password

Now, enter a new password on the text box that appears below.

You should remember to set a strong password using uppercases, lowercases, numbers, and symbols, preferably 12 characters at minimum.

After that, click on the Update Profile button.

wordpress user enter new password
enter and set new password

After done, you will see an alert notifying that the update is saved successfully.

wordpress user profile updated confirmation message
WordPress user profile updated confirmation message
Ankit S J B Rana

Ankit S J B Rana

Ankit S J B Rana is a marketing enthusiast originally from the Himalayas of Nepal and currently based out of Bangkok, Thailand.

He is currently the Marketing Director at Mbrella Films and

Marketing With WP is Ankit's blog full of marketing insights to turn your website into a 24 hour marketing machine.

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