AppSumo Plus – is it worth it? Learn how we saved over 30% instead!

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AppSumo Plus gives a straight 10% discount on purchases made on AppSumo. In this article we breakdown if AppSump Plus is really worth it or not? Most importantly, we share how to save over 30% on AppSumo Purchases.

AppSumo is a great platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses to purchase various tools for cheap. However, sometimes a higher level of stacks or higher tiered deals add up to become expensive and way over budget.

AppSumo Plus is marketed to help buyers save 10%. Is it really worth it though? What if there was something else that helps you save even more?

Find out below –

AppSumo Plus

Appsumo Plus Features and Benefits

What is AppSumo Plus?

AppSumo Plus is a premium rewards membership program that offers perks like 10% off AppSumo deal purchases, access to KingSumo Web Pro, and other surprise benefits!

AppSumo Plus cost

$99/year – you can cancel anytime.

Benefits of AppSumo Plus

The following are the benefits of AppSumo Plus –

  • 10% OFF on any AppSumo purchases
  • More time to buy With Extended Access – get 72 extra hours to decide if tools are right for you
  • All the apps from LastCall promotions
  • All Early Access promotions
  • All access to select deals
  • Access to KingSumo Giveaway Pro
  • Access to AppSumo Originals such as

How does the 10% discount work?

When making a purchase with your Plus membership, you’ll automatically receive 10% off the price of the product. The checkout process will be the same as always.

Savings (10%)

In simplicity, If you spend less than $1,025 a year, it is not worth it.

Is AppSumo Plus worth it?

If you are wondering how did we come up with the figure $1,025 – then here is the breakdown:

Appsumo Plus Return breakdown
Savings calculation of AppSumo Plus. After spending $1025, you make a meagre saving of $3

With AppSumo plus membership, there is a fixed cost of $99.

To start saving money with AppSumo Plus – you’d have to make at least 21 purchases of $49 worth of deals which is equivalent of spending around $1029.

Cost of 21 purchases without AppSumo Plus:
21 purchases @ 49 each = $1029

Cost of 21 purchases with AppSumo Plus:
21 purchases with 10% off ($1,029 – 10% = $926.1)+ $99 (membership fee) = $1025.1

With your 21st purchase – you make a meager savings of $3.9!

If you are spending thousands of dollars a year on AppSumo, the savings might make sense. Even then – its not the best deal, we found out there’s something even better.

The AppSumo Plus membership great marketing ploy by AppSumo to make you believe that you are actually saving, but you are not!

AppSump Plus, worth the hype?

Membership TypeAppSumo PlusBriefcase (Discontinued)
Cost$99 per year$147 per quarter
AppSumo Credits0$196
Break-even$1,0291st purchase
Purchase Discount10%up to 30%
Buy Apps from the Last CallYesYes
Early Access PromotionsYesYes
All access to select dealsYesYes
Access to KingSumo Giveaway ProYesYes
Access to Briefcase AppsNoYes
Let us find out about the two different membership plans offered by AppSumo and how they’re different.

The above table summarizes everything for you to help you make your decision.

How to Sign up to AppSumo?

Appsumo Home Page
AppSumo is the #1 marketplace for entrepreneurs

Follow the steps below to create a new AppSumo account:

  1. Head over to AppSumo Sign Up page
  2. You can either login with your gmail/gsuite email or enter your email
  3. Enter your password
  4. Click on “Create Your Account”
  5. Enter your personal details in the following pages
  6. Verify your email


We think AppSumo Plus is a great deal and a marketing ploy by AppSumo. It only makes sense if you spend at least over $1,000 per year just to break even.

If you are a regular buyer on AppSumo, and spend over $1,000 – then AppSumo Plus is a great deal for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have AppSumo Plus membership, when making a purchase, you’ll automatically receive 10% off of the price of the product. The checkout process will be the same as always.

It is not refundable if the rewards have been used. Because the membership is billed annually, you can cancel any time and not be charged the following year. However, cancellations requested after purchasing any deals using the membership discount will not result in any partial refunds.

Ankit S J B Rana

Ankit S J B Rana

Ankit S J B Rana is a marketing enthusiast originally from the Himalayas of Nepal and currently based out of Bangkok, Thailand.

He is currently the Marketing Director at Mbrella Films and

Marketing With WP is Ankit's blog full of marketing insights to turn your website into a 24 hour marketing machine.

Articles: 162